2 posts tagged bobbie kinkead

bobbie kinckaid

“Story is My Life” for Bobbie Kinkead

Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our colleagues are working on. Our 5+5+5 guidelines (5 minutes of backstory, 5 minutes to read, and 5 minutes of Q&A) help emerging writers polish their professional skills. Bobbie Kinkead will take the Member Spotlight before our January speaker, Gail Carriger on "The Heroine's ...

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“Sipping the Elixir” with Gail Carriger on January 15th, 2023

  An Overview of the Heroines Journey What is the Heroine’s Journey (as opposed to the Hero’s), and what aspects make for compelling narrative and voracious readers? Where do these elements originate and how do we write them? This presentation by a highly successful writer of unconventional female protagonists explains all. Gail Carriger, author of The Heroines's Journey, covers ...

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