CWC Annual Picnic — July 21 at Joaquin Miller Park
In the spirit of Joaquin Miller, who was famous for his outdoor literary salons, the California Writers Club is holding its annual picnic on Saturday, July 21, 2012, from 1-4p.m. Members from all over the state will gather for a barbecue, potluck, and open mic. Details and a map can be found at
Not a member yet? Join today
See You Sunday!
We're very excited to join Ayize Jama-Everett in conversation about science fiction this Sunday! Click here for info.Don't forget to bring a check to renew your membership or join. You can also join online this year. July 1 is when membership begins! There are dozens of reasons to join, but only one of them matters: YOUR WRITING. Make it happen this year. ...
Time to join the CWC (or renew), y’all!
What better way to ask for dues than with a short story? Our ever-creative membership chair, Cliff Hui, penned a hilarious western-themed dues reminder that makes you want to whip out your shooter... I mean, checkbook. You can also join or renew online at
The Tab
By Clifford Hui
The saloon doors swung open and a dark shadow fell across the rectangle of ...
Write On! Novel contest opens this weekend!
Get that novel out of the drawer and dust it off... the Write On! Short Story Contest is now the Write On! Novel Contest! Submissions open this Saturday, June 10. Get more information from the contest page at
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