3 posts from month 11/2012

December Write Angles

Dear CWC Members, Here is your December issue of Write Angles, full of publishing news for your reading enjoyment. Due to lack of entries, we are not able to give out a monthly writers' contest award this month. But the theme for the next contest is "The Cliff." So dust off that keyboard and get writing. Who knows? Maybe you will be the lucky winner to receive a fabulous prize at our ...

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November 18 speaker-Scenes for the Novel and the Screen With James Dalessandro

Whether you’re writing a novel or a screenplay, the scene is the thing. Join author James Dalessandro as he shows us how to move from one scene to the next. That he understands scene craft and pacing should come as no surprise: he is the author of four books and a screenwriter who has been hired on more than 20 feature films. In his presentation at the November meeting, Dalessandro will ...

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