“You CAN Get Published” with Lloyd Lofthouse on April 21st

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Need help getting your writing into print? Lloyd Lofthouse, our featured speaker for the April 21 meeting, is a good person to ask for advice. A past president of CWC’s Berkeley Branch, he helped launch our marketing group and has mentored fellow writers interested in self- publishing.

Lloyd’s own self-published work has attracted recognition. His short story, “A Night at the ‘Well of Purity,’” was a finalist in the 2007 Chicago Literary Awards. That same year, his first novel, My Splendid Concubine, earned honor-able mentions in general fiction from several book festivals. Currently, he’s revising and preparing to publish Running with the Enemy, a novel based on his experience as a Marine in Vietnam.

After his military service, Lloyd earned a BA in journalism, attended the UCLA writing program for several years, completed graduate work at Cal Poly Pomona, and later earned an MFA in writing. In 1999 he married Anchee Min, who introduced him to China and to the importance of Robert Hart (1835- 1911). A British consular official who helped modernize the Middle Kingdom but hid his private life, Hart became the main character in Lloyd’s books. Lloyd is a prolific blogger on veteran’s issues, teaching, writing, and China.

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