• how to turn your book into an audiobook (June 18th 109 3rd St Oakland)

JUNE 18: How to Turn Your Book into an Audiobook with Howard Van Es

how to turn your book into an audiobook (June 18th 109 3rd St Oakland)

Come to Our June 18th Meeting
Featuring Howard Van Es

Our June meeting will feature Howard Van Es, president of Let’s Write Books, Inc. His company helps authors with editing, design, publishing and book marketing services. He’s going to talk to us about audiobooks.

Turn Your Book Into an Audiobook

Howard VanEs

Howard Van Es will speak at our June 18th meeting on how to turn your book into an audiobook

The market for audiobooks is exploding due to the growing number of computers, smartphones, and tablets, which make it easy for the consumer to purchase and instantly listen to their favorite books. Interestingly, Amazon has seen this trend and purchased Audible a few years ago. They also own ACX, which is the major distributor of audiobooks to Amazon, Audible, and iTunes, the three big platforms for audiobook sales.
The digital platform is another way to easily repurpose the content of books while tapping into more channels of distribution, which means more people being exposed to your book resulting in more sales and royalty payments for you. Howard Van Es will show you how to turn your book into an audiobook and tap into this hot trend in book sales.
In addition to running his company, Van Es is also author of 30 books of his own and has ghostwritten many others for clients. He is also the former owner and creative director of an award winning advertising agency.
Find out more about Howard Van Es at LetsWriteBooks.net

But Wait, There’s More

Howard Van Es will speak at 3:15, but remember our meetings start at 12, and include interactive groups to help you with your writing and your book sales. In our craft group, we discuss how to tackle challenges in our writing. In the marketing group we help you spread the word about your books and build your platform. We also provide tasty snacks and plenty of opportunities to network with other writers.
Our June meeting will also be when we announce our new executive board. Find out who is going to be running the Berkeley CA Writers Club throughout 2017, what they have planned and how they will steer this ship.


12:00–1:00 – Craft Support Group
1:00–2:00 – Marketing Group
12:30–2:00 – Social Hour
2:00–2:30 – Break, Book Sale
2:30–3:00 – Announcements & MEET THE NEW CWC EXECUTIVE BOARD!
Featured Speakers
3:00–3:15 – CWC Featured Member Joanne Ainsworth reads
3:15–4:30 – Featured Speaker Howard Van Es
Meetings are $5 for members, $10 for non-members.

Meeting Location: Jack London Park in Jack London Square

520 3rd Street, Oakland

One block east of Broadway. It’s a big brick building between third and fourth streets. Ring the buzzer to be let in, the code will be on a sign on the door.


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