5 Insider Secrets to Show-Stopping Novel Beginnings
Join Us on Zoom September 19th to Learn Annalisa's Parent's Insider Tips to Get Readers Hooked on your Novel
You know you’ve got a great story idea, but how do you make it so great that it rises from slush pile to publication?
Author and Writing Coach Annalisa Parent has helped hundreds of writers to improve their craft and to become published authors. She knows the inside tricks to get ...
Feb 18th: "Grounding Our Characters to the Real World" with Jacqueline Luckett
Our members have told us that want more opportunities to improve their craft, and we listened. on Sunday, February 18th, novelist Jacqueline Luckett will help us improve our character writing in her feature lecture, "Grounding Our Characters to the Real World."
In the real world, we’re eager to learn as much as we can about the new people we meet. Readers should experience that same excitement when they’re introduced to a novel’s characters. At February's meeting, we'll look at a few ideas to keep readers interested and engaged in a character from the first pages of a novel to the last.