2 posts tagged Joel Friedlander

Interview with Joel Friedlander on Indie Publishing

Berkeley CWC volunteer Cristina Deptula caught up with the speaker of this Sunday's meeting for some questions about independent publishing. If you don't know Joel, he is an award-winning book designer, blogger, and writer. He speaks regularly at industry events and is the author of A Self-Publisher’s Companion and coauthor of The Self-Publisher's Ultimate Resource Guide. Joel is a columnist ...

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Nov 19th: Author Platform, Branding, and Monetization with Joel Friedlander

Are you confused by all the talk about "building your platform," about "author branding," or how authors today make money from their work? At our November meeting, Joel Friedlander will walk us through how to establish a following and build a career for your work. You'll learn how to: use your expertise to build a valuable online asset, turn your content into an amazing variety of multimedia ...

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