September Speaker Mamatas Sheds Light on Freytag’s Triangle
Your novel or short story starts in the wrong place, sags in the middle, fails to generate a gripping climax, and leaves a tangle of loose ends. After months of denial, you’ve recognized the symptoms of a structural deficiency but can’t find the cure. Enter Gustav Freytag. In his book Technique of the Drama (1863), the German critic offered a method of analyzing plots derived from Aristotle’s beginning-middle-end concept that came to be known as Freytag’s Triangle. Join author and teacher Nick Mamatas as he discusses and clarifies Freytag’s Triangle.
Nick Mamatas is an American horror, science fiction and fantasy author and editor for the Haikasoru line of translated Japanese science fiction novels for Viz Media. His novel, Move Under Ground, was nominated for both the Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild awards. His editorial work has won him a Bram Stoker award as well as World Fantasy and Hugo award nominations. Bullettime, a dark fantasy featuring a bullied kid and the Hellenic goddess of discord, is his latest novel, published August 14, 2012. He is the author of more than 80 short stories.
To view flyer, click here: CWC-BB-9-16 Mamatas-final-af
THE CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB was started by a group of writing professionals in the early 1900s. The Berkeley Branch is the founding branch of the statewide Club, which now has 19 branches and around 2000 members throughout California. We are the third oldest writers’ club in the country, currently celebrating our 100th year serving Bay Area writers.
The CWC is a nonprofit professional organization open to writers in every genre and at every level of experience, from novice to published. Our purpose is to promote fellowship and to provide practical information that supports all members in achieving their publishing goals.
We offer or have offered meetings, speakers support/critique groups, a newsletter, writing contests, a chapbook, readings, and workshops.
Discover more from The Berkeley Branch of the California Writers Club
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Diane Hira Rose 08/29/2012 (11:35 am)
It is very difficult to locate the upcoming Sat. at Rockridge Library, time and place … the WHY????
Thanks, Diane
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 11:11 AM, “California Writers Club Berkeley
Diane Hira Rose 08/29/2012 (11:40 am)
Dear Tanya,
As a new member, attempting to obtain info from the web, it is so confusing to have all the old dates and old programs listed, and not new upcoming events.
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 11:11 AM, “California Writers Club Berkeley
tanya grove 08/29/2012 (7:42 pm)
I’m so sorry—updating our website is on the top of my to-do list. We’ve been on summer hiatus (except the critique groups), but the lazy days of summer are over. Here’s the info on the Rockridge Five-Page critique group:
Meets year-round on 3rd Saturday of each month, 1-5 p.m., in the 2nd-floor meeting room of the Rockridge library, 5366 College Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618. Attendance averages 16 people. Eight manuscripts are reviewed in the order of arrival after manuscripts left over from the previous meeting are reviewed. First-timers are welcome to bring a submission or simply sit in.
Bring 16 copies of up to five pages: double-spaced, 1-1/4″ margins. Title in the center of the page. In the upper right corner, type the author’s name and whether the piece is fiction or nonfiction. Subsequent pages include the author’s last name/title key words, page number. Participants read silently on-site, marking pages, and discussion follows. Readers sign the drafts they have worked on. More information at
MARY WOOD 08/29/2012 (4:47 pm)
What is the date of the meeting? Sounds great!
tanya grove 08/29/2012 (7:44 pm)
Our general meetings are always on the third Sunday of the month, so our first one to kick off the new season is Sunday, September 16. Meeting starts at @ 2:00 with refreshments and socializing, and we have announcements, business, and the raffle at 2:30, followed by our featured speaker at 3:00. I hope you can make it!