Sept 17th: How to Craft a Book that Sells, with Nina Amir
****We’ve moved! See below for our new location!****

Our new meeting space, Preservation Park, is convenient to BART and 980, near downtown Oakland.
The average book today sells only about 250 copies per year and 3,000 in its lifetime. Improve your odds of becoming a successful author by producing a business plan for your book before you write a word. As you do, you develop an Author Attitude, craft a marketable book idea, and evaluate your idea and yourself through a publishing professional’s lens. You also develop a career plan to help you reach your goal: successful authorship.
At our September meeting, learn how to determine if your book is not only a great creative idea but also marketable product—a viable business venture. Go through the Author Training Process, the foundation for creating books that sell—to publishers and to readers! This nine-step evaluation tool helps you determine if your book is ready to go to market—to be shopped to agents, publishers or readers—and if you are ready to become an author.
(Based on Nina Amir’s book, The Author Training Manual, Writer’s Digest Books, March 2014.)
Session Takeaways:
- Learn how to discover if your book idea is marketable.
- Find out how to decide if you are cut out to write and market a successful book—if you are an attractive publishing partner or savvy indie publisher.
- Discover what publishers and readers want.
- Learn how to produce a successful book.
- Take the nine steps in the “proposal process.
- See through an acquisitions editor’s eyes.
- Find out why you shouldn’t write your book as soon as you get the idea.
- Learn how to be the business partner a publisher seeks.
About our Featured Speaker, Nina Amir
Nina Amir is an Amazon bestselling author of such books as How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual and Creative Visualization for Writers. She is known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach because she helps writers, bloggers and other creative people combine their passion and purpose so they move from idea to inspired action and achieve more inspired results.
Nina is a hybrid author who has self-published 17 books and had as many as 11 books on Amazon Top 100 lists and six on the same bestseller list (Authorship) at the same time.
As an Author Coach, some of her clients have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their books. She is an international speaker and award-winning journalist and blogger as well as the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month and the Nonfiction Writers’ University.
Find her at
But That’s Not All!
Get Marketing Support, Get Your Craft Questions Answered, and Network with Other Writers…and Check Out Our New Location in the Heart of Oakland
We are meeting at Preservation Park
1204 Preservation Park Way, Oakland, CA 94612
Our next meeting will be right off 980 in downtown Oakland, at beautiful Preservation Park. Just off 12th Street, naturally you can get there from the 12th St. BART station. Those with limited ability can use the parking lot off of MLK Way; otherwise there should be plenty of FREE parking within the park and on surrounding streets.
- Preservation_Park_Map (good for printing)
- This map has an arrow to our building
- Here’s another cute map
- Google Map
Nina Amir speaks at 3:15, but remember our meetings start at 12, and include interactive groups to help you with your writing and your book sales. In our craft group, we discuss how to tackle challenges in our writing. In the marketing group we help you spread the word about your books and build your platform. We also provide tasty snacks and plenty of opportunities to network with other writers.
12:00–1:00 – Craft Support Group
1:00–2:00 – Marketing Group
12:30–2:00 – Social Hour
2:00–2:30 – Break, Book Sale
2:30–3:00 – Announcements
Featured Speakers
3:00–3:15 – CWC Featured member Karma Bennett reads
3:15–4:30 – Featured Speaker Nina Amir
Meetings are $5 for members, $10 for non-members.
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