March 3 WORKSHOP — “Social Media Branding for Authors” with Beth and Ezra Barany

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Saturday, March 3, 2012
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

In this hands-on workshop with best-selling and award-winning authors (and happily married couple!) Beth and Ezra Barany, we will help you take the first steps to attract your right readers and build your fan base of raving fans so you can sell more books.

In this conversation you will:
• Discover your Clear Message to attract your right readers
• Define your unique author identity to start the conversation
• Uncover the key to successful marketing and branding: the Success Mindset
• Learn what to say on the various social media  to attract your right readers and more of them.

Beth Barany, writer’s coach and author of The Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, and the bestselling Overcome Writer’s Block, and Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, runs an active online community for authors who use journaling for self-development. She has helped authors get their books written and edited, published and marketed, into the hands of their readers for over 10 years; five of her clients’ books have been best-sellers. Author and consultant, Ezra Barany, helps authors design and promote their books so they can have the success they desire. When it comes to social media, Ezra uses Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to market his award winning and Amazon bestselling suspense novel The Torah Codes.

To Register: Send a check made out to CWC-BB for $13 (members) or  $29 (nonmembers)  to: Attn: Workshops, PO Box 6447, Alameda, C, 94501. Be sure to include an email address!

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