“Building a Platform for Your New Book” with Brooke Warner, September 15th
Are you ready to write the book you’ve been longing to complete and get published? Come to the California Writers Club meeting on Sunday, September 15th at 2pm at the Oakland Public Library.
Our speaker, Brooke Warner, is the author of What’s Your Book? — an aspiring author’s go-to guide (with five stars on Amazon) for completing the dream of becoming a published author. One of the most important chapters is building an author platform, the subject of September’s talk.
Brooke Warner uses her professional expertise in book publishing, writing, and coaching writers through the completion of their book proposals and manuscripts. She offers writing coaching and professional consulting to a broad range of clients looking to build their author platforms, and better understand the world of publishing—to become published.
Her experience has included working as an acquiring editor in the publishing industry for the past thirteen years, most recently as the Executive Editor at Seal Press. Also, recently she has helped launch She Writes Press.
Brooke earned her B.A. in International Affairs from George Washington University and an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from San Francisco State University.
The location of the talk is the Oakland Public Library (enter on Madison Street); see flyer for meeting schedule.
The CWC Featured Author is the prolific Elizabeth Wagele, the world’s leading cartoonist on the subject of the Enneagram.
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