“A Blanket and a Basket of Chow”— a Picnic Celebration of California Writers on October 9th
Cascade Flows, Singalong, Picnic, Readings & Poet Laureate Celebration. Join us!
Seeking inspiration at Joaquin Miller Park
Join us for a special celebration on the afternoon of October 9th, 2021 in Joaquin Miller Park!
A ribbon-cutting ceremony with city officials and the Friends of Joaquin Miller Park at noon will mark the completion of phase one of the water feature restoration. ...
Time of picnic
Dear CWCers,
A few eagle-eyed members clued me in to an important detail that I overlooked in my email blast yesterday—the time of the event!
The annual CWC statewide picnic is from 1–4, Saturday, July 20, 2013 at Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland. I've attached the official invitation. And more info on LitCake (just one of the fabulous events at the picnic) is below.
At the ...
CWC’s annual picnic is this Saturday!
Come one, come all to the statewide annual California Writers Club picnic!
Come for the free burgers!
Come to dazzle us all at open mic!
Come to impress us with your Lit cake! (Or just eat someone else's!)
Come to chat, cavort, and generally have a lovely time with your writing cohorts!
Linda Brown has gotten very few RSVPs. I'm hoping that this means that many of you were having wonderful ...
CWC Statewide Picnic in Oakland – July 20th
In lieu of a general meeting in July, the Berkeley Branch of the CWC invites members to welcome our colleagues from all over California to our own historic Joaquin Miller Park.
As the legend of the 1909 founding of CWC goes, Joaquin Miller used to invite his writing friends, including Jack London, Gertrude Stein, and John Muir to his home for picnics, literary discussions, and bohemian ...
CWC Annual Picnic is this Saturday!
The Berkeley branch doesn’t meet until September, but we can still get together for food and fun. The annual CWC picnic invites members from all over California to gather at Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland.
Bring a side dish to share and don’t forget about the literary baking contest. You will not be judged on the taste of your baked goods, just the literary cleverness attached. Not to brag, ...
CWC Annual Picnic — July 21 at Joaquin Miller Park
In the spirit of Joaquin Miller, who was famous for his outdoor literary salons, the California Writers Club is holding its annual picnic on Saturday, July 21, 2012, from 1-4p.m. Members from all over the state will gather for a barbecue, potluck, and open mic. Details and a map can be found at www.calwriters.org.
Not a member yet? Join today
July 30 – CWC Annual Picnic in Joaquin Miller Park
Bring "a blanket and a basket of chow" and come hang out with all your writer friends!
When: Saturday, July 30, 1-4:00 pm
Where: The Fire Circle in Joaquin Miller Park, about 1/2 mile above Highway 13 on Joaquin Miller Road. The Fire Circle is inside the park, slightly north of Joaquin Miller's Abbey and below the Cascades, and not visible from Joaquin Miller Road.
Here is a charming Park ...
Poets on Earth: Environmental Write-In, Reading, and Open Mic
ATTN: Wolfpack Writers! Let's howl!
We interrupt our regularly scheduled speaker series with an urgent call to gather and raise our voices!
From Earthday.org:
"We have just over a decade to halve our emissions to avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change on our food supply, national security, global health, extreme weather, and more."There is simply no time to ...
Ayodele Nzinga is Oakland’s First Poet Laureate
Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our colleagues are working on. Our 5+5+5 guidelines (5 minutes of backstory, 5 minutes to read, and 5 minutes of Q&A) help emerging writers polish their professional skills.
Ayodele Nzinga will take the Member Spotlight before our January speaker, Kevin Fisher-Paulson. Get ...
Christening The California Writers Circle
“Going Through a Stage”
A public service announcement
from the
Joaquin Miller Park Writer-in-Residence for the Berkeley Branch of the California Writers Club
The Fire Circle in Joaquin Miller Park is now being called the California Writers Circle. It is visible and shareable on Google Maps, and a great place to meet for picnics, meetings, and literary readings. It is exactly 247 steps ...
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