Sail on!

CWC Berkeley Branch welcomes all members and guests to our monthly speaker series and affordable workshops on the art and business of writing.

Our next event:

Welcome to our new website! If you have a recommended edit, please send it to Karma at

Click here to commit to your writing career.

Read Our Works!

Interviews with featured members and guests

Get to know our keynote speakers and featured members in advance of our Sunday meetings, or just stop by to learn some writing and publishing tips.

Meet Our Late-Blooming Ekphrastic Poet, Bob Stephens.

Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our

Rocky Leplin Rhymes with Everything

Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our

Gerry McDermott is Happiest at High Altitudes

Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our

John Byrne Barry Brings Sausalito History to Life

Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our

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