“The Craft and Career of Activist Writing” with John Curl on April 16th, 2023
If your basic inspiration as a writer is to change the world in positive ways, you are an activist writer. Since writing springs from every aspect of a person's life, an activist writer needs broad experiences, in work life and personal life. Activist writers need to be creative to find venues for their writing and to find ways to connect with their natural audiences. Since this kind of ...
The Creative Side of Research — A Workshop with Amy Shea — 4/22/23
In The Creative Side of Research: The Anatomy of a Creative Essay, essayist and writing teacher Amy Shea shares the power of incorporating research into your narrative nonfiction, longform essay, and creative nonfiction.
April 22, 2023, 10-12am on Zoom
How does a writer decide when, how, and how much research to include in a creative essay? In this workshop, discussion will focus on ...
Kenneth Lipman is Writing about the Circumcision Decision
Our long-standing tradition of giving a member the mic before our keynote speaker helps us get to know what our colleagues are working on. Our 5+5+5 guidelines (5 minutes of backstory, 5 minutes to read, and 5 minutes of Q&A) help emerging writers polish their professional skills.
Kenneth Lipman will take the Member Spotlight before our March speaker, Ericka McIntyre. Get tickets ...
Farewell to Francine
We are grieving the loss of long time CWC board member Francine Thomas Howard, who passed away this month. Thanks to a recording we made prior to her passing, you can still hear her read from her new book, Scattered Seed, at our Book Launch on June 11, 2023.
Francine Howard (Photo by Barbara Vail)
We were all honored to know and work with her in the California Writers Club Berkeley, for ...