5 posts from month 03/2020

3/15 – Our first Virtual Meeting!

As the world shifts into a new gear... please join us ONLINE for our meeting tomorrow, not in person! You've seen the interviews with Jennifer Joseph of Manic D. Press, Daniel Zarazura of Pochino Press, and J.K. Fowler of Nomadic Press. Bear with us tomorrow as we attempt to bring them all together on the small screen! At 1pm, please open the Facebook Event and look for the ...

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Interview with Jennifer Joseph of Manic D Press

Jennifer Joseph of Manic D Press Manic D Press was founded by Jennifer Joseph in 1984. An award-winning literary press based in San Francisco, California publishing fiction, poetry, pop culture, music, art, narrative-oriented comix, children's,and alternative travel books, Manic D represents a diverse group of unique writers and artists, with emphasis on those who have been shunned by the ...

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author and cartoonist Kristen Caven

"Lit in the Time of Corona"

POST UPDATE: PLEASE DO NOT COME TO OUR MEETING ON SUNDAY 3/15, BUT TUNE IN TO OUR LIVE STREAM AT 1PM HERE ON THE FACEBOOK EVENT. Hello writers! Many are asking if our meeting is canceled. The answer is NO, but we hope it will be a small group. We all need to work together to create "community immunity" against this virus, but we also recognize the importance of being together as we can, and ...

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Damoe; Zarazua

An Interview with Pochino Press Editor Daniel Zarazua

Daniel Zarazua is co-founder of Pochino Press, alongside his sister Monica and wife Xiomara. "We all play an equal role, with Monica handling the editing duties, Xiomara the graphic design, and myself taking the lead on planning events," he says. Pochino Press have made their mark as a platform for underrepresented voices from places as diverse as Addis Ababa, Taipei, and their home-base of Oakland. Their publications tend to explore the hybridity of cultures and ideas that have come together to explore new ideas, perspectives, and ways of being. "We also draw upon our experiences as K-12 educators, community organizers, and other life experiences to inform our work and connect with others beyond the literary world," Zarazua said, "Central to our work is creating and contributing to a broader community, not just a literary one." Check out our interview with Dainel Zarazua

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3/15 WORKSHOP—"Journalology" with Terry Tierney

SPECIAL EVENT: Journalology: Submitting Your Work to Literary Journals 3-5p.m. at our meeting location in Preservation Park. At our next monthly meeting, we have a unique offering in lieu of our 4pm CRAFT GROUP. Craft group leader Terry Tierney will be offering a 2-hour, hands-on workshop on the literary submission process to kick-start our club's new identified goals of supporting writers ...

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