2 posts from day 13/09/2019

Interview with September Keynote September Williams

Today we have an in-depth interview with the first speaker in the launch of our speaker series: physician-writer, bioethicist, and filmmaker September Williams, M.D. She seeks a better understanding of and between ourselves and her work offers resilience for those who are suffering. She's the author of The Elephant in the Room: Bioethical Issues in Human Milk Banking, which is representative of her nonfiction works covering health disparities, bioethics, and film, and a fiction writer as well. Chasing Mercury is a romance-suspense-memoir about families committed to human and environmental rights, and the first book of the "Chasing Mercury Toxic Trilogy." The upcoming sequels are Weighing Lead and Mining Gold.

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See You Sunday! Kickoff with September Williams + GARK!

Don't miss our speaker series kick-off! The Wind In Our Sails Some words from your captain president Kids are back in school, and what that means for me is my husband, a teacher who blogs (or a blogger who teaches?) is back in school. Which means, with no one to talk to, and the music of my choice on in the background, words are now flying from my fingers for hours at a time! I hope ...

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