3 posts from month 05/2012

June 17th SPEAKER — “Sci-Fi Speaks!” with AYIZE JAMA-EVERETT

Join acclaimed science-fiction  author Ayize Jama-Everett  as he delves into the history of the pulp genre and considers  its relationship to  literature, gender, and race.  Focusing mostly on  science  fiction, Ayize will lecture on the connection between pulp novels of the early 19th century and the comic-book age of the thirties, which in turn impacted the current media landscape of ...

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See You Sunday! Young Writers Award Ceremony

This is the 26th year the BB of the CWC has invited all 5th graders from Alameda and Contra Costa Counties to participate in a short story contest. This year, notices went out to 550 schools, and we received entries from more than 330 students. Stories were evaluated by CWC members who did not know the names or schools of the authors. We received many exciting stories this year, and we are ...

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Announcing: The CWC Literary Review

Have you read the CWC Literary Review yet? The first edition of our club's new literary magazine recently arrived in member mailboxes all across the state, providing us all with a glimpse into the minds of our fellow writers. And what minds they are! Twenty-six California writers authored fiction, memoir/essays, poetry, and cartoons. The CWC Literary Review is a new and wonderful benefit to ...

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